Roberta Atkins, known to her friends as Bobbie, had the same routine day after day. She would get the twins, James and Jessica, to the bus stop with only seconds to spare, after seeing her husband, Charles, off to the train station for his morning commute to the city. Then it was time to head to her daily yoga class, after which she would make a grocery run to pick up everything she needed for dinner. Then it would be time to head back home, have a quick lunch, run the dishwasher, do a load of laundry, straighten the clutter and do whatever other chores she could accomplish before she had to meet the twins at the bus stop. Once they were home, she would fix them a snack, get them started on their homework, and start prepping dinner. Charles would come rushing in just as dinner went on the table, and the meal would pass with everyone but Bobbie sharing the highlights of their day. Then it was time to load the dishwasher, get the kids to bed, and watch an hour or two of mind-numbing television before dropping into bed exhausted.
Imagine the surprise on her family's faces tonight at dinner when she tells them her afternoon had been spent at the firing range, shooting an AK-47 --and that she had bought one for herself.
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